Monday, November 28, 2005

Learn something new every day!

First, if you have a few spare minutes, try out the Nerd quiz on Max Oz's blog. The LASIK surgery I had done a few years ago made the difference between me being an all out nerd and just socially inept. I blame my parents, though - they're both computer programmers so I didn't have a chance. I wrote my first application in third grade and would spend hours at a time writing code in our basement. My dad still recalls the excitement in my eyes when he came down and introduced me to the concept of variables.

You know how they say you learn something new every day? Well, let me tell you about today's lesson! (Warning, this is NOT for the faint of heart). My husband is one of those people who knows a little something about everything. It's rather fascinating, but you can't get anything past him. In one of my typical moments of just blurting something out purely for shock value, I quoted a song I heard earlier that day: "I don't care if you're a Pisces or a Taurus as long as you're hung like a Brontosaurus." (The vocalist later goes on to say, "I don't care what's in your past, my only concern is what's in your pants"). My darling hubby's response? He politely informed my that Brontosauruses didn't exist but if they did they probably didn't have penes.

I couldn't just let that slip by.... I looked it up and WHAT DO YOU KNOW! He was right. What was first called a Brontosaurus turned out to really be an already discovered dinosaur called an Apatosaurus. However, the term Brontosaurus was eventually made a synonym because it became a more popular term used to describe that dinosaur. Sorry, I won't get into the reproductive habits of dinosaurs, but scientists think they did it like crocodiles. You can look that one up on your own...


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