Wednesday, November 16, 2005

What is a neighbor?

I mentioned in an earlier post that I am the president of my neighborhood's homeowners' association. We had an association meeting last week and the feedback I got was that a few homeowners are concerned about the board's apparent refusal to take legal action against those who violate the neighborhood covenants.

Now, we're not talking about wild loud parties and cannabis gardens in the back yards... There are two rules that at least 50% of our neighbors break: 1) park your car in your garage, not your driveway and 2) keep your yard light on. Regardless of your opinion of the rule itself, realize that everyone signed a contract when they moved in that stated their understanding of the rules. Why can't people just follow them?

I'm not sure what is worse. Neighbor A who disconnects power to his front light (not allowed because reflective address numbers are supposed to be mounted there for emergency services per town ordinance) or Neighbor B who wants me to sue Neighbor A.

We do have a modest litigation fund, but is this really an appropriate use of it? Can you imagine the outcry if we announced a 100% increase in association dues to support law suit fees against someone who parked their 2004 BMW next to their garage rather than in it? My response to one homeowner was "Do you really want to live in a neighborhood where I will put a lien on your house if the bulb in your front yard light burns out?"

I don't get it. Aren't neighbors supposed to have a certain sense of community? Aren't we supposed to lend each other cups of sugar and have round robin parties? Or doesn't this apply when your neighbors are CEOs and attorneys? Perhaps this is a clue as to why so many businesses are in the shape they're in these days....


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