Friday, November 25, 2005

Need inspiration

Well, my return to the working world has served to reverse the deterioration of my mental and spiritual capacity leaving me somewhat uninspired when it comes to interesting blog topics (if you haven't already picked up on that after reading the last few posts). I realize this is fairly counterintuitive, but I tend to be much more accepting of pretty much everything when I'm in a good mood, thus I have nothing to rant about.

But I did get a little chuckle over something the other day that I will share. My troubled former employer announced that they discontinued their previously stated plans to deploy a global ERP system because the "pilot" at the first site showed that the anticipated benefits wouldn't be realized in a timely manner. Pilot?! I'd like to hear what the employees at that site have to say about that little fiasco being called a pilot. The filing goes on to say that this discontinuance will cost the company $1 million in cash and an additional $6 million in impairment charges. This is after the project went over budget to the tune of millions.

No, this is not what I found entertaining. A lot of people lost their jobs as a result. What I found so darn interesting was what happened to the program manager overseeing that initiative. Last I heard, he became the VP of IT.


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