Thursday, August 24, 2006

Desperately Seeking Happiness

Just a quick lesson for all you people out there searching for happiness... As my mother always says, "You are responsible for your own life." What does that mean? It means that the decisions you make result in your happiness or lack thereof. People can do good or bad things to you, but YOU have ultimate control over how you react to them.

If you want to see what real happiness looks like, go check out WIBlondie. She and her MSO are ridiculously happy. I mean, I have never seen her so happy. And from what I am told, according to his friends and family, her MSO has never been so happy either. Is it because they are just so lucky?

Prior to her current MSO, WIBlondie dated nGIB. She was pretty darn happy then, too. nGIB was a nice guy, but ultimately things did not work out as they had hoped and so they parted ways. A pretty good reason not to be happy. nGIB, WIBlondie and her MSO have all had other relationships end, I am sure, but the way each involved party reacted to that change is what resulted in their ultimate happiness.

So here is a pop quiz, which of the following reactions is the best choice to guarantee happiness:

a) Move on, find someone that you can be ridiculously happy with and take off for a wedding in paradise
b) Spend your days, nights, and early morning hours searching the internet for any references to you and your ex or your ex and their ex just in case someone might have said something to give you a glimmer of hope
c) Use the internet connection at your place of employment to send nasty, scathing "anonymous" messages to the new recipient of your former lovers desire.

Hmmmm.... new home, new life, new family OR closet stalker. You choose....

Congratulations WiBlondie and your MSO! You make a terrific pair and deserve the best!