Thursday, January 26, 2006

Servatis a Periculum

I've gotten a number of visits lately from people searching for the meaning of "Servatis a Periculum, Servatis a Maleficum." So, here it is...

This phrase was made popular by the music group Evanescence. At the end of their song "Whisper", it is repeated several times as sort of a chant. According to the band's website, it is Latin for "Save us from danger, save us from evil." Whether or not it is correct Latin depends on who you ask and what the writer actually intended to say. For what its worth, I haven't found that exact phrase used in any other text. Here's what I have found, though:

One Latin student indicated that "servatis" is the plural "you" form and that perhaps the author meant "Serva nos e periculo" which he translates as "Deliver us from (literally: out of) danger".

Here are a few other definitions:

periculum (periclum) -i n. [a trial , proof, test, attempt; danger, peril, hazard]; at law, [a trial, action, suit]; hence, [a legal record or register].
periculosus -a -um [dangerous , perilous]; adv. periculose.
maleficium -i n. [wrongdoing; mischief].
maleficus -a -um [evil-doing , mischievous]; adv. malefice.
servator -oris m. [a preserver , savior; a watcher].


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