The quest begins...
At long last, I’ve quit lurking in the world of blogs and decided to throw my own ramblings into cyberspace for netizens around the globe to stumble upon and contemplate.
Rather than diving into a long explanation of why (which perhaps I’ll go into in a later blog), I’ll keep the story short and merely say, “because I have time.” As simple as that may sound, it is a new concept for me. Leisure is a luxury that my friends, colleagues and even medical professionals have urged me to discover for quite some time now. And, with some assistance from my troubled former employer, I (along with several of my peers) now have more time than I know what to do with.
In discussing various blog themes with my dear friend, wiblondie (an experienced, captivating blogger), we settled on the pursuit of gainful employment. My intent is to journal not only my experiences, but my general thoughts on workplace norms, required qualifications, expectations and generally anything else that strikes my fancy. Stay tuned…