Thursday, September 22, 2005

Another day, another dollar?

I can't believe how busy I've kept myself... I haven't even had time to keep my handful of readers up to date! I've had a couple phone interviews this week and I know my resume has made it into the hands of a couple hiring managers, so hopefully I'll get a few more calls next week. The company I had discussed in previous blogs went with the other candidate, but being faithful that everything happens for a reason, I'm chalking it up as an opportunity to meet some great people and hone my interview skills. Now, to be quite honest, there is one glaring reason for me not to work there that immediately comes to mind -- they are right across the street from one of my favorite shopping malls. Any offer they might have made would've immediately depreciated by at least 10%. But, I got some good blogging material from them so who am I to complain!

Coincidentally, I found out today that one of my former employees is leaving my troubled former employer to work for a software company near one of my favorite shopping areas. The odds of it being for the same job I interviewed for are probably small, but I must say - If I had to lose out to someone else, I hope it is him. That would give me a certain sense of relief, knowing that they still made a good choice (after all, I hired him, too!).

So, in the meantime, I've been keeping myself busy contemplating a complete career change, making my own homemade body scrubs, helping the church secretary print name labels for the upcoming women's day, creating a project plan for the Madrigal Dinner fundraiser, helping a friend with her son's virus infested computer, helping a neighbor with a failed power supply, and conversing with my husband in the finer points of data encapsulation and the OSI model. Oh yes, and mentally creating a "How to know when you are about to lose your job" list. Here's how far I've gotten:

You know you're about to lose your job when:
  • Everything you need to finish your home is included in a big sale that begins next week.
  • Your wedding ring needs to be sent back to the manufacturer for $1300 worth of repairs.
  • You just booked a week long vacation to northern California to tour wine country.
  • You see a great job posted but decide not to apply because your company has always treated you well.
  • In a two week period, four people ask you if you'd like to move to the other side of the country.
  • The turn around consultant who flies into town to interview you thanks you over and over for your warm reception and hospitality in light of what he's about to do to you.
Well, I'm off to my Friday afternoon cello lesson. Have a productive day!


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